Application deadline....

Now very soon come the application deadline for Master or Doctor programs here... It is getting sometimes very frustrating here that nobody seems to be interested in taking a colombian geologist into a program... These teachers here at the University of Iceland (some of them at least) seem always to find the right excuses to ditch me or may be i am just so unlucky that every time i think of a teacher to be my "leišbenandi" (tutor). Well, im not stopping here. Im going to try once more...this time a M. Paed (Master in Pedagogy) with some emphasis in geology. Let's see how it goes... On the other hand is not going very well studying for those classes i picked in Kennslufręši (Education), I find the material quite too heavy and since all the classes are in Icelandic i have had to start learning a new vocabulary... it can get quite frustrating some times... Luckily i found someone in my class to bug with my stupid and irritating language questions... My new friend, Kristinn Björnsson, a guy with a B. A. in Spanish and who lived in Argentina... we have a very similar humor so it is quite relaxing to go and spot some chicks in Hįskólatorg around a coffee and after a frustrating class... Well, more later... Now i gotta go and continue reading or go home.... Damn it!
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