10.4.2008 | 16:14
New York...
The super expected trip to New York came and went as fast as a thought... Many different cool things happened and were learnt... some others not so cool also happened but luckily there are always people who i can lean on and those things easily go away... All the places visited have their own charm and message. By far i would say NYFAC was the one i enjoyed the most... the guy who received us, Andrew, was just great.
I have not felt that type of energy in a long time... Not perfect guy but hell very dedicated and believes in what he does... that was amazing.
On the other hand, it was also great to have the chance to see my relatives who i have not seen in several years.
My cousins Diana (who i have not seen in 7 years) and Cristina (last seen 2 years ago) looked just great. I was so glad to see that they are working their way in their own lives. My aunt and uncle in Philadelphia seem equally sunk in their own worlds but they looked ok... Uncle John, i have not seen him since my grandfather died... and his love for music is always inspiring... I felt a little sad cos i realized how strong my family bonds are and even when i dont see my family that often i always keep them present in my thoughts and feelings... This is one of the sacrifices some people dont think about when moving to another country... in occasions people think it is very easy to leave all your beloved one behind to try and find a better way of living... but it is not like that. Luckily i have found on my way good friends that make you feel accepted and consequently... home.
Velkominn heim frį NY Jorge minn:) Leišinlegt aš ég skyldi ekki komast meš ykkur...en kannski nęst
Gott aš žś gast lķka hitt fjölskylduna žķna, mašur kann sko aš meta fjölskylduna žegar mašur flytur svona langt ķ burtu.
Hafšu žaš gott og skilašu kvešju ķ Hólaberg
Berta Marķa Hreinsdóttir, 10.4.2008 kl. 17:33
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.