About my holidays

On the 23rd of june i took off to Amsterdam. Arrived to AMS around midday and almost immediately i took the train to ENschede, a town in Holland close to the border with Germany where i was going to meet my friend Anna Rapp. After a few hours train ride i came to Enschede, left my stuff in a locker at the train station and went to check the town with Anna. We had a very good steak for dinner and then we took the train to Münster, Germany. There we met our other friend Anke with whom i stayed during my visit in Münster. She and her boyfriend Christof are great hosts. My stay in Münster was very nice, it is a very cozy town full of incredibly beautiful girls and very friendly people.... overall.





















After spending a whole week in Münster, my next destination was Berlin where i was going to meet my friend Dorit. My stay in Berlin was a bit errand, some days we stayed at her boyfriend's and some at her parents' who actually do not live in Berlin but in a town called Altlandsberg, 40 minutes outside Berlin to the East. Though, errant my stay in both places was quite comfortable. The weather in Berlin during those days was good... we experience the hottest days in Berlin to that point of the year when the temperature hit the very uncomfortable and rather disturbing 36°C. Those days i did not feel like doing anything.... In Berlin, i met by coincidence some other people i know. Ros, that funny and crazy  irish girl and then my dear Chris, one of the nicests guys i have ever met. Unfortunately, we met only one day since they had the crazy idea of leaving for Prague and visit one of their friends. However, that day was by far the funnest one in Berlin.


















 My next stop was Brno, in the Czech Republic. To be honest i didnt know much about the town. My main goal of coming there was to fulfil a promise i had been carrying since 1999.



My promise included a visit to a town called Napajedla, in the region of Moravia and about 50 Km from Slovakia. Before i went there i couldnt find any information whatsoever about the town so it was quite an adventure coming there. The train station happened to be 2 Km outside of town, in a poorly marked area. I guess i found my way by basic instinct. Unfortunately, it was also so damn hot that i drank all my water on the way. Luckily, at the entrance of the town and before crossing the river Morava, there was a shop open. Unfortunately, nobody spoke English. Luckily, again, i remember some words in German and there was someone there who knew these words, so it was ok... i could buy my water and use the loo. As mentioned before, i didnt have any idea where to go in the town. So, i just starting walking all over! It is not dificult to wake up attention in a town of 7000 people, especially when there is not much there. Several times, the idea of being the only tourist walking those streets in a long time crossed my mind. Not to go into much detail for now, after several  hours of walking and wandering around, i found some lead of what i was looking for. A plaque in a memorial place. I tried to look for someone who could tell me what it meant but no even the young people in that town spoke English. They understood though when ordered a beer, so i decided to have something also to eat. Then i just returned to Brno.
























I guess i will go on details later on... but after Czech Republic i was going to Graz, Austria to visit my friend Philipp. He said he had a lot of plans for me when i visited him but poor devil has serious trouble organizing his mind. He is that sort of genius that is constantly thinking but it has to be one thing at the time, otherwise it might screw everything up. My stay in Graz can be summarized in just one word: CHILLING... The last couple of days we went up to Vienna to visit another friend of ours, Sirith. At this point, another friend (Karin) had joined us. She came all the way from Münich to Graz to meet me and Philipp and then go together to visit Sirith. Then, the stay in Vienna might be summarized in: PARTY... nonetheless, it was amazing to be there.

































Well, my time has run off and i got to go. Will post more later.

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1 Smįmynd: Gušmundur Žór Jónsson

Gott aš žś skemmtir žér śti. Hafšu žaš gott.

Gušmundur Žór Jónsson, 21.7.2008 kl. 01:27

2 identicon

Hi Jorge nice to see that you had a great time in your vaction just like I did in Italy.

Will be in touch with you.

With some fossils greatings from London


Audur Lundunar bui (IP-tala skrįš) 21.7.2008 kl. 15:26

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